Shine Muscat is Japanese Grapes! When is The Best Season? How Much? How to Eat it?


Hello, this is MAHARI.

It is getting cooler step by step in Japan.

In Japan, there are so many seasonal foods in autumn.

I introduce one of the most popular fruits in Japan.


Shine Muscat

Have you ever heard of Shine Muscat?

It was born in Hiroshima, as and hybrid of “Steuben,” a cultivar with a high sugar content among American grapes, and Muscat of Alexandria.

August-October is the season, so now is your chance to find Shine Muscat!

Shine Muscat is an original Japanese variety, and as the name suggests, each grain is shiny and shiny…!

Shine Muscat from Yamanashi Pref.

Also known as the “Queen of Grapes,” one grape is large and beautiful…!

One bunch weighs over 500g.

How Much Size?

I put a 100 yen coin next to it.

It seems slightly larger strawberry or the size of a walnut in its shell.


Also, I compared the size of a whole bunch with an oil-based pen.


How is Taste?

Shine muscats are edible with the skin and seedless, so we can eat them after a quick wash with water.

The sugar content is between 16 and 20 degrees, making it sweeter than strawberries and melons.

Since it has sweetness, it has almost no sourness unique to grapes and Muscat.

What is Sugar Content?

In Japanese supermarkets, we often see fruits and vegetables labeled with “sugar content.”

By looking at the sugar content, you can know how much sugar (= sweet ingredient) is contained in 100g.

For example, if the sugar content is 15, then 15g of sugar per 100g.

How Much is it?

Recently, there have been more opportunities to see Shine Muscat at general supermarkets.

On average, the ones sold at supermarkets are 3,000 yen or more.

It’s expensive for a fruit.

I have eaten cheap Shine Muscat, but the quality was so good that I thought, “Is this Shine Muscat?”

Be prepared to spend 3,000 yen without being stingy here.

If it’s not so expired, discounted is also an option.

Although you can purchase it on the Internet, some products are expensive for “Hometown tax payment, Furusato Nozei”, so be careful if you do not use hometown tax payment.

For example, on Rakuten Ichiba, buy products without “Furusato Nozei, ふるさとのうぜい.”


How was it?

There are four seasons in Japan, so you can enjoy ingredients according to the season.

It’s one of the expensive fruits, but how about a reward for yourself or a gift for someone special?

Thank you for reading to the end!